Not too long ago went viral about a note a dog owner placed on her apartment door. She was writing from her dog’s point of view and apologizing to her neighbors for being so noisy.

The dog was an eleven-year-old pug named Charleston Chew. He was visually impaired, diabetic and in overall bad shape. He would start by whining and then gradually escalate to a loud wail.

A neighbor read the hysterical note and was so touched she took a photo and posted it to Twitter. It went viral.

This neighbor was happy to forgive the dog for his noisiness. Sadly, not all neighbors will feel that way about noisy dogs.

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What does your dog do when you’re not home?

We all like to think of our dog curled up in his bed, under his blanket quietly napping when we’re at work or out shopping. But is that really the case?

Some dogs seem to fly into a panic and bark almost endlessly when their owners are gone.

Most owners don’t even realize this until an unhappy neighbor complains.

Separation Anxiety

Barking is not the only sign of separation anxiety.

You may come home to find your furniture chewed up and lamps broken. Your dog is letting you know he does not want to be left home alone.

If your dog is destructive, you’ll need to keep him crated while you’re away. Don’t think of this as punishment. His crate is your dog’s safe place. He won’t be as worried about your being gone if he feels protected and secure.

If you don’t crate train, then at least create a safe place in a kitchen or laundry room where your dog will be safe as well as your belongings.

How can you help your dog?

Try leaving on some music or the television. This will help cover outside noises that might panic your pet.

Cintrolla collars are available that release a scent when your dog barks. Because the scent is unpleasant the dog learns not to bark as much.

Shock collars are another option but most pet owners avoid this option.

Make sure your dog has plenty of chew toys and place some peanut butter in a few. This will help keep in busy in a nondestructive way.

You can find infusers that release scents that help calm your dog.

Resist the urge to punish your dog for destructive behavior while you’re gone. It will only upset your dog more and increase the chances of problems in the future.

There are over the counter remedies that can be tried.

If your dog continues to show signs of stress, ask your vet if he has any recommendations. Medication can be given if all else fails.

Using Tech

You can now purchase products that allow you to view your dog and speak to him when you’re not home. Some even have a screen where your dog can see you. Others only let him hear your voice. When you hear him barking you can talk to him and try to calm him from wherever you are.

If you really want to go all out – there are some that allow you give your dog a treat. Those are pricier.

Helping your dog feel calm while you’re away can be tricky, but your neighbors will thank you for making the effort.

Written By

Melissa Maxwell

Melissa is a dog lover who enjoys sharing smart dog tips, inspirational stories and the joy that dogs bring. Follow us on social media for even more dog fun!


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